vorschau: rückrundenstart gegen ssv bherschbroich/b sonntag 30.10 2005. ssv bherschbroich/b sg oberahrtal ii 14:30h rasenplatz in bherschbroich/b sg oasf/barweiler fu?ball - sport der etwas anderen art aus der eifel.
3hrs, numb bums and a tank of fuel later we arrived in the dark at bherschbroich/b - a small village right in the centre of the nordschlief. i fully recommend the guest house we stayed at called the pension muhlenhardt but i don't b.../b
3hrs, numb bums and a tank of fuel later we arrived in the dark at Herschbroich - a small village right in the centre of the Nordschlief. I fully recommend the guest house we stayed at called the Pension Muhlenhardt but I don't ...